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Second Wind Running Club

Champaign, IL 61826 US

Circuit Racing 2024

Changes for 2024
Adding Clinton Trail Ultras. As this is a SWRC event, special scoring applies.

The following are the race circuit events for 2024.

To be eligible to participate, members must join/renew their membership by April 30 and include their birth date on the membership form.
All eligible members will be automatically entered into the circuit standings.

Siberian Express Run trail (01/06)

Charleston Challenge Mid-Winter Classic 15K/10K/5K (02/03)

Mountain Goat 15K/10K/5K (03/16)
Clinton Trail Ultras 30M/10M (03/30)

Allerton Trails Half/10K (not the 5K) (04/20)
Illinois Marathon/Half/10K/5K/Mile (04/25 - 04/27)

Kirby Derby 10K/5K (05/04)
Buffalo Trace Trail (05/18)

Countryside 10K (06/01)
Lake Mingo Trail Run (06/08)
Lake Escape 10K/5K (06/22)

Freedom Run 5K (07/04)
Fisher Fair 5K (07/13)
Run for the Bagel 10K/5K (07/20)
SJO 5K (07/27)

Mahomet Half Marathon and 10K (not the 5K) (08/03)

Arthur Cheese Festival Rat Race 10K/5K (09/02)
Arcola Broom Corn Festival 10K/5K (09/07)
Wild Wild Wilderness 7.45 trail (not the 5K) (09/14)

Run To Remember 5M/5K (10/05)
Shoreline Classic 15K/5K (10/06)
Allerton Park Trail Run (10/27)

Rattlesnake Master 10K/5K (11/03)

Mike Walsh Memorial 5K (likely 12/14)

For the above events the following considerations apply --

a) if an event has in-person and virtual options, only the in-person results will be taken into account.
b) virtual results will only be taken into account if the entire event becomes virtual.
c) if the event has more than one distance you may participate in all circuit eligible distances.


  • To be eligible to participate, members must join/renew their membership by April 30 and include their birth date on the membership form. All eligible members will be automatically entered into the circuit standings.
  • Scoring is done within age groups (M/F)... 19 and under, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+.
  • Your AG for this year's circuit is determined by your age on January 1; you stay in the same AG all year.
  • To qualify for a circuit award, runners must finish in the top three of their age group AND have completed at least four circuit races
  • Awardees will be recognized at the annual awards banquet.

If 10 or more eligible Second Wind participants are in an AG in a race, points are awarded as follows:

  • + 1st = 10 pts
  • + 2nd = 9 pts
  • + 3rd = 8 pts
  • + etc.

If fewer than 10 SW participants in an AG, then 1st place gets points = # of participants, and down from there. So, if 6 participants:

  • + 1st = 6 pts
  • + 2nd = 5 pts
  • + 3rd = 4 pts
  • + etc.

The winner of each AG automatically earns at least 2 points.

Everyone who participates in a circuit race gets at least 1 point.

Special scoring for SWRC events (Buffalo Trace Trail Race, Countryside 10K, Allerton Park Trail Run, Clinton Trail Ultras): finishers will receive 2 bonus points

Special scoring for Illinois Full Marathon: Illinois Marathon finishers (26.2 mi) will receive 5 bonus points

Your race circuit coordinator is Juan Salas ( Feel free to email with questions/concerns/corrections.

The race circuit coordinator reserves the right to alter these rules when necessary.

2024 Race Circuit Standings

Updated 09/18/2024, where asterisk (***) indicates your membership will expire on or before April 30th.
Female 0-19
Tora Borisova10MG5(2) I5(2) KD5(2) FF(2) SJ(2)
Tavi Borisova5MG5(1) I5(1) KD5(1) FF(1) SJ(1)
Beatrix Paulson2I1(2)
Eda Erdogan  
Grace Hohman  
Female 20-29
Brittany Ashmore9AR10(2) I5(2) IHM(1) KD5(2) FF(2)
Brisa McGrath8IM(8)
Brenda Straka8SE(2) MG15(2) LM(2) WWW(2)
Megan Donnan7IM(7)
Yingying Han6IM(6)
Annalisa Fama2MH(2)
Rhiannon Hinckley2I10(2)
Qiong Wang2IHM(2)
Bei Zhao1I5(1)
Nicole Angell  
Laura Cummings  
Allie Dothager  
Catie Georgiou  
Natalie Gustafson  
Brianna Hajek  
Macy Richardson  
Kathleen Sherlock  
Eirinn Sikes  
Erin Wood  
Female 30-39
Hannah Dignan39AR10(3) IHM(3) KD5(2) BT(5) CS(4) LM(4) FR(5) FF(2) SJ(5) M10(2) WWW(4)
Mara Thacker25MG10(2) I1(2) I5(4) IM(7) CS(3) LM(3) FR(4)
Liz Paunicka17MG10(1) I5(2) IHM(2) BT(4) LE10(2) SJ(2) AB10(2) WWW(2)
Ellen Vore16SE(2) CC10(2) MG15(1) AR10(1) I5(1) IHM(1) KD10(2) BT(3) LM(1) SJ(1) WWW(1)
Amy Bailey15MG15(2) AR10(2) KD10(3) LM(2) SJ(3) WWW(3)
Madeline Furlong10IHM(5) CS(5)
Sydney Lazarus10I1(4) IHM(6)
Bethany Carmien Onwodi8I1(3) I10(3) FF(1) M10(1)
Mitzy Maldonado8I1(1) I5(3) I10(2) FR(2)
Jennifer Mandel7I10(4) FR(3)
Paula Tankersley7MG10(3) SJ(4)
Michelle Tushevski4IHM(4)
Molly Knoblett2KD10(1) FR(1)
Marli de Moraes Gomes Favoretto1I10(1)
Krisandra Banet  
Abbey Brinkoetter  
Kat Chesnut  
Caitlin Fredericks  
Brittany Scheid  
Emily Tarconish  
Ashley Valentijn  
Female 40-49
Nicole Lake Olmo51MG15(5) I1(4) I5(8) IM(6) CS(8) LE10(2) FR(5) FF(4) M10(5) AC10(4)
Theresa Heater31I5(3) IM(7) KD5(2) BT(4) CS(4) LE5(2) FR(1) FF(2) SJ(1) M10(3) AB5(2)
Krista Overstreet31SE(2) CC10(3) AR10(3) I1(3) I5(6) IHM(6) KD10(3) AC10(3) AB10(2)
Whitney Patel31MG15(4) AR10(2) IM(8) KD5(3) CS(5) FR(4) SJ(3) MH(2)
Laura Owen30SE(1) CC10(2) MG15(2) AR10(1) I5(2) IHM(3) KD5(1) LM(2) FR(2) FF(3) RB10(2) SJ(2) M10(2) AC10(2) AB10(1) WWW(2)
Megan Parsons26MG15(3) I5(4) IHM(8) KD10(2) CS(6) FR(3)
Dawn Goeddel21I5(5) IM(9) CS(7)
Elizabeth Chominski14I1(2) IHM(7) KD10(1) M10(4)
Sofie Desmet12SE(3) I5(9)
Tracy Kleparski9CC10(1) IHM(2) CS(3) FF(1) M10(1) AC10(1)
Laura Scalzitti7I5(7)
Randi Dunn5I1(1) IHM(4)
Debra Herche5IHM(5)
Caroline Tonozzi5MG15(1) CU10(4)
Stephanie Cummings1MH(1)
Martha McSims1I5(1)
My Nguyen1IHM(1)
Shannon Doyle  
Toni Gist  
Jen Gravley  
Sarah Hall  
Erin Lippitz  
Zeynep Madak-Erdogan  
Lauren Miller  
Rachel Roegman  
Jennifer Zalon  
Female 50-59
Leslie Hammersmith26SE(1) CC10(1) MG15(2) AR10(1) I1(1) I5(4) IHM(1) KD5(1) LM(2) LE10(2) FR(1) FF(2) M10(1) AC10(2) AB10(2) WWW(2)
Lorrie Pearson17SE(2) CC10(2) AR10(2) I10(5) KD10(2) BT(4)
Jodi Heckel11CC15(2) IM(7) AC5(2)
Susan Osterbur11I5(2) I10(1) KD5(2) FR(2) SJ(2) M10(2)
Michele Heller8I1(2) IHM(6)
Sandra Loeb7I5(3) IHM(4)
Jen Anderson6I10(6)
Annie Adams5IHM(5)
Jody Littleton4I10(4)
Vickie Hemann3IHM(3)
Susan Pierce3I10(3)
Agatha Barnes2IHM(2)
Cara Finnegan2I10(2)
Fatima Husain2RB5(2)
Melony Barrett1I5(1)
Lenore Borisova  
Deborah Eng  
Susie Kundrat  
Tammy McSims  
Letitia Moffitt  
Lisa Sink  
Female 60-69
Nancy Roth37SE(2) CC10(2) AR10(2) I5(5) IHM(4) KD5(5) BT(4) CS(5) LM(2) FR(2) M10(2) WWW(2)
Karen Iehl-Morse22AR10(1) I5(4) IHM(3) KD5(4) CS(3) FF(3) M10(1) AB5(3)
Tina Ammermann16I1(3) I5(3) I10(3) KD5(3) FF(2) AB5(2)
Cathy Giffel16I1(2) I5(2) IM(7) KD5(2) BT(3)
Susan Kautzer14IHM(5) CS(6) M10(3)
Gabriele George6IHM(1) LE10(2) FR(1) MH(2)
Judi Geistlinger4KD5(1) LE5(2) AB5(1)
Jan Seeley4CS(4)
Babette Hiles3CC10(1) I10(2)
Heather Mangian2I1(1) I10(1)
Kathi Ritten2I5(1) FF(1)
Nancy Sivertsen2IHM(2)
Phyllis Baker  
Rebecca Dey  
Jean Ingram  
Elizabeth Scheid  
Female 70+
Linda Bradley18AR10(2) I5(2) IHM(2) KD5(2) CS(4) FF(2) M10(2) AB5(2)
Kathy Vance2I10(2)
Carol Miles1I10(1)
Donna Brown  
Roma Chenoweth  
Phyllis Roth  
Male 0-19
Aldous Joyce13AR10(2) I1(2) I5(1) I10(2) BT(4) FR(2)
Dexter Lokshin5FR(3) FF(2)
Lars Diels3I5(2) FR(1)
Lucas Dixon  
Harlan Heller  
Joshua Pierce  
Andrew Pierce  
Male 20-29
Luke Morrison21SE(2) MG15(2) IM(8) BT(5) LM(2) WWW(2)
Devin Rittenhouse15MG15(1) IM(7) KD10(2) BT(4) LM(1)
Abhik Borthakur9I5(2) IM(6) FR(1)
Jordan Rock9IM(9)
Vitor Favoretto8I1(1) I5(1) IHM(3) BT(3)
Henry Kraatz6I1(2) IHM(4)
Matthew Babik5CU10(3) IHM(1) KD10(1)
Matt Tyner4CU10(4)
Josh Loomis2IHM(2)
Martin Repetto2I10(2)
John Richardson2FR(2)
Matt Georgiou  
JaKobe Henry  
Zheng Liu  
Brody Wilt  
Male 30-39
Ben Zigterman23CC5(2) AR10(2) I1(1) I5(2) I10(2) KD10(1) CS(3) LM(1) FR(1) M10(2) AC10(2) AB10(2) WWW(2)
Paul O'Neil20MG15(2) I1(2) IM(7) KD10(3) BT(4) LM(2)
Jordan Harpst16IM(8) FR(4) FF(2) SJ(2)
Titus Young16I1(3) I5(3) IM(6) LE10(2) AB5(2)
Jacob Fredericks14I1(4) I5(4) IHM(3) FR(3)
Nicholas Heller12BT(5) RB10(2) MH(2) AB10(3)
Fabian Dettenrieder9I10(3) CS(4) FR(2)
Nick Farmer9MG5(2) BT(3) LE10(1) SJ(1) AB10(1) WWW(1)
Matthias Diener7CC5(1) I5(1) IHM(1) KD10(2) LE5(2)
Andrew Rehn5IHM(2) WWW(3)
Joshua Brown1I10(1)
Eric Duitsman  
Willy Guenthner  
Kory Henke  
Shrivatsa Ravikumar  
Makrand Sinha  
Male 40-49
Stephen Johnson41CC5(2) MG5(2) AR10(2) I1(3) I5(5) IHM(1) KD10(2) BT(3) CS(5) LM(2) LE10(1) FR(4) FF(2) RB10(1) SJ(2) MH(1) AC10(1) AB10(2)
Charles Fogelman33CC15(3) MG15(2) I1(1) I5(1) IM(10) KD10(7) CS(6) LE10(3)
Nikita Borisov26CC15(1) MG15(1) CU10(4) KD10(4) BT(4) LE10(2) FR(3) FF(1) RB10(2) SJ(1) AC10(2) WWW(1)
Tyler Reifsteck25CC15(2) ARH(2) IM(7) KD10(5) BT(5) MH(2) WWW(2)
Tom Gelsthorpe22I5(8) IHM(6) KD10(8)
Brad Ludwig22I5(7) I10(5) FR(7) SJ(3)
Eric Benson15I5(4) I10(2) KD10(3) CS(4) M10(1) AB10(1)
Mark Kirkland15IM(9) FR(6)
Nathan Parsons13MG10(2) I5(3) I10(3) KD10(1) CS(3) FR(1)
Minh Do12I5(6) IM(6)
Herman Diels9I10(4) FR(5)
Nicholas Paulson9I1(2) IHM(5) M10(2)
Geoff Ower8IM(8)
Ramses Armendariz7IHM(7)
Nathan Mandel7I1(4) I5(2) I10(1)
David Schug6KD10(6)
Brett Yockey6BT(6)
Jason Zhang4IHM(4)
Luke Herche3IHM(3)
Ian Hojnicki2IHM(2)
Jason Scalzitti2FR(2)
David Albouy  
John Barnard  
Aaron Garrett  
Dave Hohman  
Cory Olmo  
Cory Pettijohn  
Male 50-59
Michael Tankersley34MG15(4) AR10(3) I5(4) IHM(4) BT(6) LE10(2) FR(3) FF(4) SJ(4)
Scott Silverman32CC10(2) I1(5) I10(4) KD10(1) CS(4) LE10(1) FR(2) FF(3) RB10(2) SJ(2) M10(2) AC10(1) AB10(3)
Brad Giffel26SE(3) MG15(2) I1(2) I5(2) IM(6) KD5(1) BT(3) LM(2) FF(1) MH(2) AB10(1) WWW(1)
Matthew Mabry22CC10(3) I5(5) IHM(5) FR(4) SJ(5)
Michael Healea19IM(7) KD10(2) BT(5) SJ(3) WWW(2)
Alan Joyce19AR10(2) I1(6) I5(3) I10(3) BT(4) FR(1)
David Ammermann17I1(4) I5(1) IHM(2) KD5(2) CS(3) FF(2) SJ(1) AB5(2)
Mark Dixon17SE(4) CC15(2) MG15(3) I1(3) IHM(3) AB10(2)
Juan Salas9I1(1) I10(1) RB10(1) AC10(2) AB10(4)
Jeff Kohmstedt5I10(5)
Christopher Korose4SE(1) CC10(1) MG15(1) AR10(1)
Arnoud Buzing2SE(2)
Paul Littleton2I10(2)
Bryan Pierce1IHM(1)
mehmet erdogan  
Martin Gruebele  
Sanjay Kumar  
Bobby Martínez  
Greg Van Hoorn  
Paul Weiss  
Male 60-69
Don Dodson13CC15(2) BT(3) CS(4) RB10(2) AC10(2)
Richard Mann9MG15(2) IM(7)
Edward Mehnert8IM(8)
Taylor White8AR10(2) KD10(2) BT(4)
Larry Adelston6IM(6)
Bruce Hajek4I5(2) IHM(2)
Jay Geistlinger2FR(2)
Randall Stearns2I10(2)
James Doyle1I10(1)
John Murphy1IHM(1)
Bill Dey  
Mike Lindemann  
Scott MacAdam  
Ken Welle  
James Whitfield  
Male 70+
Richard Roth8SE(2) MG5(2) AR10(2) I10(2)
Charles V. Evans  
Stephen Long  
John Mangian  

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